We are very certain that everyone has been awarded a certificate at least once in their lifetime, whether it was a certificate for achievement or participation. These days, during the 21st century it is near impossible that someone has never gotten a certificate.

When you received your certificate after something big or small that you achieved, remember the rush of feelings that you had? You were so proud of yourself for achieving something great and you deserved it because you have worked so hard in order to achieve it.

So why not create something like that in your business? Give back to your customers by rewarding them with certificates. Awarding certificates is important to your business. It is the least you can do by rewarding loyal customers. Your customers will feel appreciated and will consider making you their ‘go to’ supplier. By presenting your customers with certificates, who knows you might even score a lifetime customer!

As the owner of your business, every creative thinking counts. So get creative with your awards! You can establish a system where once a year, there will be an award giving ceremony where you award your loyal customers with certificates and gifts. Some ideas of awards are, The most active award, the most loyal customer award, the most efficient award and so many more.

You can also give out certificates to your customers once they have just completed training or a workshop. Like at DIYPrintingSupply, every customer that undergoes training with us will be awarded a certificate to show that they have achieved something new.

Overall, giving back to your most loyal customers can actually give back great profits. Even little things like awarding certificates and gifts are important for your business.



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