Hi there, you must be new to the printing scene. How do we know? Well, if you’re reading this then the chances for that to be true are pretty high since you’re just getting acquainted with the types of printing methods available in the current market. That’s alright though as we’ll try our best to steer you in the right direction. You can begin by reading about the types of printing processes we have here. For this article, we’ll be discussing about sublimation printing.
Dye sublimation printing or sublimation printing is a type of printing method that transfers images onto printable materials. Though, not all materials are compatible with this method such as cotton-based materials. It is however best used for poly-coated items or polyester fabric. For better results, use white or light-coloured materials. Below, we’ve listed out the key points for this particular type of printing method. Hopefully, it’ll help you to decide whether sublimation printing is suitable for your business.
1. Printing Process
The printing process involves high release paper or sublimation transfer paper from which the chosen design is printed upon using a digital printer. Of course, the ink used in this process cannot be any regular ink. It has to be sublimation ink. This paper is then placed onto the printing material and heat up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit is applied through the use of a heat press machine. At this point, the ink fuses into the fabric and your design is done.
2. Printing Result
The results of using this particular printing method will leave you with a smooth printing finish without the rubbery feel typically associated with other printing methods. Other than that, due to the ink being embedded into the printing material itself instead of being layered just on top of it, the printing quality won’t fade even after several washes.
3. Printing Cost
Compared to other printing methods, sublimation printing can be a bit pricey. This is because of the number of materials needed in the process all of which when added up can result in a staggering figure. From a digital printer to sublimation paper, software and printing materials: Oh, you’ll need a heat press machine too. Yet, this will only pose a problem to small businesses or new business owners who don’t have a lot of capital to invest with in the beginning. For business owners with a lot of capital, this won’t be an issue.
Your Decision?
We’ve presented you with the facts, now it’s solely up to you to decide whether sublimation printing is the one for you. If you do decide to use this printing method, get the best printing materials for it right here with us at diyprintingsupply. Want to take a look at other printing methods first? Then view our assortment of digital heat press machines for mugs, t-shirts, etc.
Apart from printing machinery and materials, we also provide personalised printed gifts. Through our online gift store, you can customise various items such as clothing, house décor, phone accessories and lots more. So whether you’re in the market for a certain type of printing method or you’re looking for ready-made printed gift items, you can find all of that and more with us.