Pigment Ink (Cyan) (100 Ml/Btl)

RM 50.00
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Pigment inks are comprised of tiny, encapsulated particles that sit on top of the paper, instead of being absorbed into a paper ís fibers, which is what happens with dyes.
Pigment inks are much more stable than dye-based inks, and can last more than 200 years on some paper types, under ideal (museum-quality lighting and framing) conditions.
For T-shirt printing on dark based / light based cotton materials with transfer papers, it is good to use pigment inks because it is waterproof.
Size: 100ml
Colour: Cyan

Sila isikan borang dibawah. Kami akan menghubungi anda secepat mungkin. Terima kasih. ^_^
Pigment Ink (Cyan) (100 ml/btl)

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Pigment Ink
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RM 50

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Pigment Ink
(100 Ml/Btl)

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